HIS Wavemaster MOBI Portable Speaker - The Ideal Christmas Enhancer!
Introducing the HIS Wavemaster MOBI Portable Speaker! These cute little spakers are perfect holiday gifts for anyone! They are performance mini-speaker-system for portable audio sources such as mobile phones, iPod, netbook/notebook and iPhone. The speakers has integrated Class-D amplifier, providing excellent acoustic performance (360° sound field). With integrated Li-Ion-battery (USB chargeable), you could rely on the speakers for max 10 hours playtime.
HIS Wavemaster MOBI Portable Speaker comes in 3 colors - Black, White and Green. Astonishing sound, elegant, stylish design and quality finish. Buy one now on :
Amazon (Black / White / Green) : http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=HIS+MOBI+speaker
Newegg: (White): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16855980013
Newegg: (Black): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16855980014
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Founded in Hong Kong in 1987, Hightech Information System Ltd. is an internationally acclaimed graphics cards manufacturer. Commitment to Excellence is the bedrock of the company. HIS is proud to be ATI's Authorized 1st Tier AIB Partner, Certified Partner and Launching Partner. Up to the forth quarter of 2012, HIS has won over 1,500 awards with ATI graphic solutions from major media all around the world. The performance-leading and award-winning models range from entry level to the most professional level products. HIS have proven to offer far superior, cooler, quieter and faster graphic cards than any other leading rivals. For further information, please visit the web site at http://www.hisdigital.com.